
A filter in Phrazor has the same function as in most other tools. Based on the parameters specified in the filter, the output is narrowed down to the specifications of the applied filter.

Phrazor lets you apply filters at various levels of insights to look closely at specific values and perform analysis at a granular level based on your current reporting needs.

Depending on the scope of application, Phrazor Filters have been categorized into Global, Dynamic Global Filters, and Local Filters.

Global Filters - Filters that are created and made available for recurrent use across different cards. These Filters can also be made available as Dynamic Global Filters where every user will be able to change the Filter value from the dashboard to generate required narratives wherever it has been applied

Local Filters - Filters that have to be created specifically for each analysis and visualization. They can be used only within the insight cards for which they were originally created