Customer Acquisition Analysis Report Template
This template provides customer acquisition analysis with automated smart insights based on the number of visitors, sales volume, new customers acquired, rate of acquisition (visitors converted to customers), your current market position, rate of converting competitors’ customers for higher market share, region-wise brand performance, preferred customer satisfaction levels. With this template Sales managers get actionable recommendations for improving Customer Acquisition. The outcome tracks the impact of customer acquisition on sales and provides critical insights to make informed decisions and take strategic action on time.
Intended audience: The Customer Acquisition Analysis report is meant for Senior Management, Sales Executives, and Sales Managers.
Focus metrics: Impact of New Customer Acquisitions on Sales, Market Performance vis-a-vis other players, Regions leading in Customer Conversion, New Customer Expectations, and custom KPIs (Customer visits, Successful Conversions, Supply Fulfillment to New Customers, Geographic Analysis, Competitor Analysis).
When to use: Use this template for detailed insights on the customer acquisition pipeline and recommendations on future strategy.
The template supports visual dashboards with relevant analytics written in natural-language summaries to provide data-driven insights for your team.
To use this template, simply download it, connect/upload your data to the dashboard, and run the report. Start by exploring our auto-generated business analytics and create a report effortlessly in a matter of minutes. The template gives you the flexibility to customize and add comments, analysis, and insights as per your needs if required.