Retail & Ecommerce - Monthly Sales & Customer Analysis Report Template
- Consumer Products
- Retail & Ecommerce
- Marketing
- Sales
- Strategy
This template uses online retail data to segment e-commerce customers based on various demographics and sales parameters. It analyzes customer buying behavior as per product demand, website traffic analytics, time of order placement (purchase), age group of customers, and their gender. This information is critical for customer retention, and customer acquisition. It helps managers and entrepreneurs know which customer in what age group is placing the most orders, which age group is a larger share of sales value derived, which type of customers prefer ordering at what times in the day and which day of the week, and how much sales value is generated from these orders. These insights can be used to make decisions related to the pricing of products, and time slots to launch promotions or offer discounts.
Intended audience: The E-commerce Retail Sales & Customer Analysis report is meant for Sales and Marketing Managers/Executives in large organizations and also for SME entrepreneurs operating with smaller teams.
Focus metrics: Number of online transactions/orders, Overall Sales Value, Sales from New Unique Customers, Sales from Existing Customers, Average Sales Value of Transactions, Monthly Average Sales v/s Annual Average, Popular Categories & Brands, Returns, Time of Purchase, Top Customer Location, Top Customer Demographics.
When to use: Use this template to get insights from monthly e-commerce retail sales and customer analysis.
The template supports visual dashboards with relevant analytics written in natural-language summaries to provide data-driven insights for your team.
To use this template, simply download it, connect/upload your data to the dashboard, and run the report. Start by exploring our auto-generated business analytics and create a report effortlessly in a matter of minutes. The template gives you the flexibility to customize and add comments, analysis, and insights as per your needs if required.