Plant Demand Fulfilment Report Template
- Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare
- Operations
- Sales
- Supply Chain
This template will help you analyze the supply of your plant based on the demand fulfillment of various products. It analyzes the Demand vs Commit vs Supply trends for your products and SKUs across geographies and markets. It presents insights on the demand-supply gap with root cause analysis, in the form of narratives and visualizations.
This template helps management, sales, brand and product heads, supply chain and operations professionals keep a regular check on the overall performance of their plant, and take necessary actions to meet the demand-supply gap.
It answers questions such as:
- How has my plant performed overall in a particular period?
- What percentage of the demanded quantity was committed?
- What percentage of the demanded quantity was supplied?
- Which products have failed to cater to the demand?
- Which products and SKUs are most undersupplied and why?
- Which countries have the most demand-supply gap?
- Which markets have witnessed the most undersupply?
To use this template, simply download it, connect/upload your data to the dashboard, and run the report, all in just a few clicks.