Travel and Expense Analysis (Monthly) Report Template
This template will help you to keep a track of the travel reimbursement requests and expenses of your employees by analyzing the recorded data and deriving smart insights out of it. It presents comprehensive insights about the top functions and employee grades contributing to the total spends, and the travel purposes and travel modes for which large amounts are spent. It also highlights certain focus areas to restrain the extra expenses, with the help of visualizations and narrative-based insights.
The end report is designed to help finance teams to verify the travel reimbursement requests by various employees based on their grade, travel purpose and travel modes, thereby saving a lot of time and efforts in data analysis.
It answers questions such as:
- What is the overall value of the travel reimbursement requested?
- How many trips have been taken by the employees in a particular period?
- What is the change in average cost per trip and total spend in a particular period?
- Which branches have the most contribution towards total spends?
- Which business functions have the most contribution towards total spends?
- For which travel purposes are most amounts being spent?
- Which grade of employees are spending large amounts on trips?
- Which modes of travel have the highest contribution to the total spends?
To use this template, simply download it, connect/upload your data to the dashboard, and run the report, all in just a few clicks.
 Report Template.png)