Phrazor Report Templates
Focus on metrics that matter with report templates built for a wide range of business use cases. Generate relevant and actionable insights within minutes. Give it a go with our sample data and get started.
Focus on metrics that matter with report templates built for a wide range of business use cases. Generate relevant and actionable insights within minutes. Give it a go with our sample data and get started.
Know how your Supervisors rank based on their CRM team performance.
Track the performance of your Operations’ Supervisors and their CRM teams with a personalized performance report.
Gain a big picture view on projects in the pipeline and their economics during a specific period.
Track and improve the operational efficiencies of projects within your team.
Ensure your projects are on course to finish as per schedule by identifying exceptions related to timelines and measuring impact on the project budget.
Closely track and identify projects with a significant budget deviation and measure the corresponding impact on ROI.
Track and analyze how well the resources are being utilized in Projects and also increase the effectiveness of your resource planning strategy
Gain increased visibility of Project Managers’ performance in your Operations team.
Gain increased visibility on each project’s health and track cost, time overruns and analyze resource allocation
Measure market performance, investigate brand sales, and make strategic decisions to drive growth with auto-generated smart insights.
Measure the manning and hiring efficiency of your organization’s talent acquisition team by deriving a quick summary of the vacancies and supervisor performances from the uploaded data.
Improve salesforce effectiveness and productivity with automated smart insights to improve Physician outreach and coverage.