Generate All Insights.
To generate narratives for various analysis types based on your chosen Measures or Dimensions, you have the option to proceed with All insights.
If you prefer quick insights, you can proceed with generating narratives for multiple analysis types. Alternatively, you can click on 'Skip' to create in-depth narrative insights.
- To generate insights for multiple types of analysis simultaneously, click on the 'All Insights' button

- From the Data panel located on the rightmost side of the screen, choose a minimum of one measure and date to generate narrative insights from.

- Click on ‘Select Topics’ button to select different type of topics you wish to generate insights for.

- To modify the 'Dimensions' and 'Measures' for which you desire to generate insights, click on the 'Edit Inputs' button

- Click on the v icon to reveal a dropdown menu displaying the list of measures and dimensions you have previously selected. From this dropdown, you can choose the specific measure or dimension for which you would like to generate insights.

- Click on ‘Apply and Save’ to save the selected ‘measures’ and ‘dimensions’

- You can Select upto 5 different type of narratives from the list of topics to generate insights.

- Click on the ‘Show Insights’ button to generate Insights.

- Click on the ‘Pin’ Icon to pin your Insights.

- Click on ‘My Insights’ Tab to view your Pinned Insights

All your Pin Insights are dynamic and interactive with your dashboard.
Start your 14 day free trial today!