Different Type of Analysis

Narrative insights can be generated on the basis of the inputs provided under the 6 different analysis types - namely Descriptor, Change, Compare, Target, Budget, Trend


This analysis creates a summary of quantitative insights obtained from your measures and dimensions.

It analyzes each measure individually and breaks down the analysis based on one or more dimensions, generating statistically significant insights.


For example:

  1. Best performing product by Sales
  2. Underperforming regions by DownPayment
  3. Least Contributing Phone Model by Region
  4. Most Contributing Store by Region
  5. Bottom Ranked Phone Model per Region
  6. Top ranked Store per DownPayment.

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Study and analyze growth or decline in Measure over time through Change.

This analysis generates a narrative that analyzes the variance of two measures across a time period.



  1. Reasons for growth in Phone Model with respect to Sales
  2. Reason for Decline in Phone Model Units with respect to store.

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This analysis generates a narrative that examines the comparison between two measures, two dimensions, or a combination of both measures and dimensions.


The following examples explain the Compare Analysis:

  • Two Periods - Compare one month with another for a specific Region
  • Two Regions - Compare Ranks, Sales, Growth of specific Region with other Regions and Peers
  • Two Measures - Compare growth, share and movement of Sales (Measure) and Cost(Measure) for your Phone Model(Dimension)

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This analysis generates a narrative that analyzes the difference between the actual value and the target value of a measure, across dimensions.

This is especially useful in Sales or Marketing reports where consistent target objectives v/s achievement statistics are presented.



  1. Products that have overachieved/underachieved that targets
  2. Stores with growth/decline with respect to their targets.

Get an in depth explanation on how to generate Insights related to Target.


This analysis generates a narrative that analyzes the difference between the actual spend and the budget of a measure, across dimensions.

It helps in providing spend visibility and analysis to reduce costs and improve results.



  1. Products that have overspent/underspent,
  2. Regions with rising expenses
  3. Stores which are spending with their budget

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This analysis examines variations in a particular measure over a period of time or for a specific entity within a dimension.

It then produces a descriptive account highlighting notable increases or decreases in the metric, focusing on up to two trends: growth and decline.



  1. Trend for Sales reversed after a point in time
  2. Sales showed an abnormal increase over a period of time

Get an in depth explanation on how to generate Insights related to Trend.