Ask Phrazor conversational chatbot designed specifically for business users

Why Phrazor’s Conversational Analytics Chatbot is a Cut above other Chatbots

2022-01-03 00:00:00
7 min read

Ask Phrazor, the conversational analytics chatbot of Phrazor, has a substantial claim of being the best querying tool available in the market right now. Phrazor is a double-patented AI-powered BI product that helps make data understanding easier for organizations by adding insights in language on dashboards.  

But before we make a case, here’s a short understanding of what conversational analytics, or conversational BI, is:

Conversational BI is the next step in the evolution of data analytics. Data analytics, according to Investopedia, is the science of analyzing raw data to make conclusions about that information.  Data analytics today is done through visual presentation of data; prominent players like Tableau and Power BI have widespread adoption in organizations. Embedding language insights is the new trend, as they make for an easier understanding of dashboard visuals that may turn out to be too complex to understand without language. Tableau and Power BI have also made provisions for language plugins to be embedded into their tool as part of an overall solution to simplify data understanding.


Conversational BI allows a user to talk to the data. The user, which in this case will typically be a business user on a senior level, can input queries and receive replies so as to make better decisions in real-time. In this manner, conversational BI facilitates data understanding not just at the surface level, but goes down deeper to look at the ‘How did X happen’, the ‘Why did X happen’ and ‘What to do next?’


Comparing Phrazor’s conversational analytics chatbot with other popular tools

The querying capabilities of Ask Phrazor when compared to the other solutions available in the market, those from Tableau and Power BI, for instance, leave clear daylight between Ask Phrazor and the others. 


Here are 5 features that showcase how Ask Phrazor is a cut above the rest:


1. Conversational Querying 

With Ask Phrazor, searches no longer need to be code-based or be based on system-specific keywords. Ask Phrazor understands human queries, so business users can input queries in a natural, human manner and generate instant output in language.


a. Following a fixed syntax makes querying cumbersome for decision-makers, and is counter-productive to the purpose of querying, as

b. Decision-makers won’t use the querying system on account of it being complex

c. The scope of information they can extract even if they do use the system will be limited

Here’s an example:

Syntax-based querying on other tools: Sales Profit Filters Region to South

Conversational querying on Ask Phrazor: Compare Profit and Sales for South


2. Availability of Multiple Analysis Types

Simply put, Phrazor’s extensive libraries of keywords, queries, and advanced querying engine can address millions of query combinations and can answer questions under the umbrella of metrics like ’Compare’, ‘Rank’, etc. which other tools cannot. 


Some examples:

a. Compare Sales of Europe and America

b. Rank of XYZ employee in terms of Sales in the last quarter

c. Why did Revenue for ABC Product decrease in Jan


This is again a feature exclusive to Ask Phrazor. Other tools may ask for a simplified query, or may not be able to process the query at all


3. Insights in Context + Language in Context

Ask Phrazor 

a. Detects the interrelationship between data points

b. Establishes correlations based on that detection/understanding

c. Generates deeper, more meaningful insights as a result of such understanding and correlation establishment


Now, not only does it present the right insights, but it also uses the right language to present the insights. 

Examples of how Ask Phrazor uses the right language to present insights:

a. For cost, it will use ‘incurred’,

b. For revenue, it will use ‘generated’

c. For location, it would be something like ‘ Sales dipped in India’ 

d. For product, it would be ‘Sales dipped in India for product X’


Other tools struggle to understand the context and establish correlations, and are thus prone to answer the literal question one has typed. This produces fragmented, siloed insights that are not based on any background information.


4.  Root Cause Analysis

Whether there’s a sudden or a gradual movement in any metric, say, sales or revenue, Ask Phrazor’s multi-level drill-down capabilities ascertain the reason, or the root cause, of the shift observed in a metric. Such granular details, when combined with a consolidated overview presented via dashboards, make for an effective and optimal decision-making process. Such fingertip information infuses a sense of empowerment in the business user and gives her the confidence to not just take a decision, but also drive it to implementation.


5.  Time Period Recognition and Filtering 

Available query tools cannot slice the data according to time periods. Ask Phrazor, on the other hand, recognizes 

a. Periodic concepts, like ‘week’ or ‘month’

b. Logical concepts like ‘Current month’ or ‘Financial Year’ so instead of being having to content with aggregated revenue numbers for all previous years, managers can use the time period filter to ask actually relevant queries like ‘What was my sales for product X in July 2020’ or ‘What was the sales today’ and Ask Phrazor will recognize the time periods and filter out an answer for you.


Overlooked aspects - Why enterprises absolutely need a conversational analytics platform


Without a conversational analytics platform at your disposal,

a. Time-based decisions go out the window: The loop of business managers asking for certain information not captured on dashboards and the technical team reverting in some days, or weeks even, is not conducive to the cut-throat, time-sensitive business environment most enterprises operate in

b. Talent is exhausted: Leave R & D and analysis, many a gifted and hard-working tech-based human talent bides his time conducting ad-hoc analysis and operational tasks. Talk about killing productivity

c. Monetary aspect: Considering the time value of money, it can be considered to be ill-allocated when analysts spend time creating dashboards that do not provide actionable insights to managers. Further, the investment on conversational BI tools that managers find too cumbersome to use is also essentially a squander. 



Dashboard conversation interfaces that empower business users to cut out the loop and interact directly with data, can reconstruct the entire dynamics of how organizations use data and dashboards to make meaningful decisions and drive organizational change.

If you are interested in a demo of Ask Phrazor, click here.

About Phrazor

Phrazor empowers business users to effortlessly access their data and derive insights in language via no-code querying